HOW TO USE TrackMyStop?

This page describes how to use the various options provided on the menu bar (or tab bar) that appears at the bottom of the main screen in the App.

How to use each of these options is given below:


Use the Track option if you want TrackMyStop to monitor distance to your destination stop and to alert you when you reach closer to your station stop. Use the following steps to do this:

      1. Select the Track tab by tapping the bell icon shown on the menu bar at the bottom of the screen. This option is selected by default when you launch TrackMyStop when it is not already running. If the app is launched again when it is already running in the background, you will see the last screen you used while interacting with the app.

      2. The new simplified user interface of the Track option, allows you to select a Railroad Transit System, one of its routes and your destination, a station stop on the selected route, along with the alert distance on one single screen.

      3. Select a Railroad Transit System.

      4. Select a Route. if you are running the app on an iPad, you will immediately see a map showing all stops on the selected route on the detail screen on the right.

      5. Select a Station Stop that you want to track.

      6. Select a suitable alert radius and tap the Track My Stop button.

      7. Finally tap the Track My Stop button on this screen. You will be taken to a new TrackMyStop screen. On this new screen you can see where you are and how far is your destination.

      8. When you use this option for the very first time, TrackMyStop will request you to authorize it to use your location. TrackMyStop needs your location to perform its intended function. So please allow the app to use your location.

      9. You will have to select your destination as explained above the very first time you use the app. However, TrackMyStop can now remember station stops that you have tracked before. Therefore, in future uses, you can simply tap on My Stops and then pick a station stop from a list of previously tracked stops. The app will also remember and automatically show you the last stop you tracked. If you want to track the same stop again, you can do so by simply tapping the Track My Stop button.

      10. If you are using TrackMyStop on an iPhone or on an iPad, you can tap the View Route Map button to view your train route. When you choose this option, TrackMyStop will show you a map along with all station stops on your route. Each station stop is shown as a red color pin. By tapping on any of these station stops displayed on the map, you can see its name and how far you are from the station stop. If you are using the app on an iPad, the route map is visible at all times and there is no View Route Map button.

      11. You can also tap on the SMS my Ride button to SMS your family members, friends or a Limo/Taxi driver, who are coming to receive you at your destination station stop. When you select this option, TrackMyStop will automatically compose an SMS message and show it to you on your device. If you wish you can modify its contents or simply tap the send button to initiate transmission of the SMS message. To check the status of the SMS message sent using this option, you will need to go to the Messages app.

      12. TrackMyStop can work in foreground or in background. As long as you remain on the TrackMyStop screen, you will see the progress of your journey being updated regularly on the screen. However, if you launch any other app, make a call or go to some other option within TrackMyStop, the app will still continue to monitor the progress of your journey in background. In this case, you will see notifications or alerts but only when your destination stop is within the selected alert radius.

      13. When you are within the selected alert radius, you will also be notified of any network errors due to which TrackMyStop was unable to track your location or the progress of your journey. However, TrackMyStop will retry and continue to track your journey.

      14. If you connect your device to a power source either directly to an electrical outlet or to a USB port on your laptop, TrackMyStop will automatically upgrade the accuracy and you will see more frequent updates. You will also see the speed of your train being updates more frequently.


Use the Browse option if you want to just explore the Railroad transit systems supported within TrackMyStop but do not want to actually track any destination. The Track option described above also allows you to browse through various railroads, their routes and station stops. However, once you are tracking a destination using the Track option, you cannot use the Track option to browse other routes or station stops. That is the reason the Browse option is provided. The process to Browse is described here:

      1. Select the Browse tab by tapping the binoculars icon shown on the menu bar at the bottom of the screen.

      2. A choice of Railroad Transit Systems supported within TrackMyStop will be displayed.

      3. Now select a Railroad transit system.

      4. A choice of Routes for the selected Railroad transit system will be displayed on the next screen.

      5. Select an appropriate Route you want to explore further.

      6. On the next screen, you will see a list of Station Stops on the selected Route.

      7. Select a Station Stop you are interested in.

      8. Now you will see a new screen that will show you the selected station stop and its address, if available. It will also show you other options to see additional information about the station stop, if available.

      9. On this Station Information Screen you can see the address of the station and the View Route Map button. Tap this button if you want to see the route map which shows all station stops on the selected route.


Use the Settings option to define your preferences. The preferences that can be setup using the Settings screen within TrackMyStop are described below.

We recommend that you define your preferences before starting tracking a destination stop. If you change any of the preferences while TrackMyStop is already monitoring your journey, whether in foreground or in background, it will not use the new preference until you stop and restart tracking.

So here are the details relating to the various preferences you can setup using the Settings option:

      1. Unit: This can be Mile or KM. The default unit is Mile.

      2. Default Alert Radius: Here you can select the alert radius. When you reach within this radius, TrackMyStop will start alerting you. The default value is 5 miles or KM depending upon your choice of unit.

      3. SMS Phone #: You can specify the default phone number to which you want to send SMS.

      4. Refresh Map: The default setting is YES. This option defines whether or not you want to automatically refresh the map when your location changes.

      5. Tracking Accuracy: Options for this preference are High, Medium and Low. For more accurate updates during your journey and to generate alerts regularly at the Tracking Frequency selected below, choose High or Medium. When Low is selected, updates and alerts about your destination will be generated as and when available. The default for this option is High.

      6. Tracking Frequency: Select a tracking frequency by choosing from following options:

          • If your unit is mile:

            • Every half a mile,

            • Every 1 mile or

            • Every 2 miles

          • If your unit is KM:

            • Every 0.8 KM

            • Every 1.6 KM or

            • Every 3.2 KM

      7. As mentioned earlier, if you set Tracking Accuracy to Low, updates during your journey will be as and when available and this setting for Tracking Frequency may not always apply, especially in spots where network coverage is weak.

      8. Alert Sound: Four choices are provided for the alert sound that will be played to alert you when you reach within the selected redius from your destination stop. Alerts for notifications sent when the application is running in background also use these sounds. If you are traveling in a quite car, we recommend you to use head phones.


The Share option is provided so that you can easily share your opinion about this app with your friends or on the App Store.

You can either review the app on the App Store or share the app with your friends.

If you choose the Review on the App store option, you will leave TrackMyStop app and you will be taken to the App Store app on your device. Here you can write your review about TrackMyStop. We appreciate your time in writing a review for TrackMyStop.

You can also share TrackMyStop with your friends using an SMS, iMessage, a FaceBook post or tweeting about the app all from within TrackMyStop.

In addition, if you are using a newer model of iPhone, iPad or iPod that supports AirDrop, you can even share information about TrackMyStop with your friends using AirDrop with just a few touches.

If you find this app useful, please share it with your family, friends, colleagues and fellow travelers. Also please write a review on the App Store. We appreciate your referrals. Thank you very much for your support.


If you are reading this document on your device from within TrackMyStop, you are already in this menu option. Use this option, to learn about TrackMyStop. The following topics are covered:

    • How to use TrackMyStop?

    • Limitations

    • Frequently Asked Questions

    • Privacy

To select this menu option, tap the Question Mark icon. You will see the above options.

You will also see an option to learn how to provide feedback and request support.


Choose the last tab in the menu that is identified by the English lowercase letter i icon. This option does not provide any additional functionality. It simply shows the version number of TrackMyStop.

On an iPad this menu option is not shown in the bottom tab bar menu. Instead it is available on the top right hand corner.